Ps5 Tekken
I 10 migliori prodotti di gennaio 2025
Ultimo aggiornamento:
22 gennaio 2025
BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment
47% Sconto
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Un combattente per una nuova generazione – 32 combattenti con grafica next-gen si scontreranno in TEKKEN 8!
Nuovo gioco, nuova rivalità - TEKKEN 8 continua la tragica saga delle linee di sangue Mishima e Kazama e le loro sfide di rancore padre-figlio che scuotono il mondo. In questo ultimo capitolo, Jin Kazama sfiderà il suo destino mentre affronta suo padre Kazuya Mishima causando guerra e distruzione in tutto il mondo
Nuovo entusiasmante gameplay - TEKKEN 8 sarà caratterizzato da un nuovo entusiasmante gameplay incentrato su tattiche "aggressive
Arcade Quest - Nella nuova modalità per giocatore singolo "Arcade Quest", i giocatori possono creare il proprio avatar e conquistare i loro rivali in una varietà di arcade diversi.
Costruito per la personalizzazione - Con un'ampia varietà di personalizzazioni di personaggi giocabili, avatar, elementi HUD e musica, i giocatori possono adattare la propria esperienza alle proprie preferenze.
42,49 € SU AMAZON
BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment
Tekken 8 /PS5
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A Fighter for a New Generation – 32 fighters with next-gen visuals will collide in Tekken 8! Both new and returning characters are stunningly portrayed in high-detailed character models built from the ground up - featuring every drop of sweat and ripped muscles for an immersive experience.
New Game, New Rivalry - TEKKEN 8 continues the tragic saga of the Mishima and Kazama bloodlines and their world-shaking father-and-son grudge matches. In this latest chapter, Jin Kazama will seek to defy his fate as he faces his father Kazuya Mishima causing war and destruction across the globe.
Exciting New Gameplay - TEKKEN 8 will feature exciting new gameplay focused on “Aggressive” tactics. Retaining TEKKEN’s unique fighting game identity, the game will provide both players and spectators with the series‘ most thrilling experience yet with visceral screen-jarring attacks and environments that are both dynamic and destructible.
Arcade Quest - In the new single-player mode ‘Arcade Quest’, players can create their own avatar and conquer their rivals in a variety of different arcades. This mode serves as an introduction to the gameplay of TEKKEN 8, allowing players to acquire basic knowledge, learn practical techniques, and enjoy a unique storyline and battles different from regular matches
Built for Personalisation - With a wide variety of customisations to playable characters, avatars, HUD elements, and music – players can tailor their experience to their own personal preferences. There is more freedom in customisation options than ever before for playable characters.
49,07 € SU AMAZON
BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment
Tekken 8: Launch Edition (PS5)
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A Fighter for a New Generation – 32 fighters with next-gen visuals will collide in Tekken 8! Both new and returning characters are stunningly portrayed in high-detailed character models built from the ground up - featuring every drop of sweat and ripped muscles for an immersive experience.
New Game, New Rivalry - TEKKEN 8 continues the tragic saga of the Mishima and Kazama bloodlines and their world-shaking father-and-son grudge matches. In this latest chapter, Jin Kazama will seek to defy his fate as he faces his father Kazuya Mishima causing war and destruction across the globe.
Exciting New Gameplay - TEKKEN 8 will feature exciting new gameplay focused on “Aggressive” tactics. Retaining TEKKEN’s unique fighting game identity, the game will provide both players and spectators with the series‘ most thrilling experience yet with visceral screen-jarring attacks and environments that are both dynamic and destructible.
Arcade Quest - In the new single-player mode ‘Arcade Quest’, players can create their own avatar and conquer their rivals in a variety of different arcades. This mode serves as an introduction to the gameplay of TEKKEN 8, allowing players to acquire basic knowledge, learn practical techniques, and enjoy a unique storyline and battles different from regular matches
Built for Personalisation - With a wide variety of customisations to playable characters, avatars, HUD elements, and music – players can tailor their experience to their own personal preferences. There is more freedom in customisation options than ever before for playable characters.
59,73 € SU AMAZON
BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment
Tekken 8: Standard Edition (PS5)
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A Fighter for a New Generation – 32 fighters with next-gen visuals will collide in Tekken 8! Both new and returning characters are stunningly portrayed in high-detailed character models built from the ground up - featuring every drop of sweat and ripped muscles for an immersive experience.
New Game, New Rivalry - TEKKEN 8 continues the tragic saga of the Mishima and Kazama bloodlines and their world-shaking father-and-son grudge matches. In this latest chapter, Jin Kazama will seek to defy his fate as he faces his father Kazuya Mishima causing war and destruction across the globe.
Exciting New Gameplay - TEKKEN 8 will feature exciting new gameplay focused on “Aggressive” tactics. Retaining TEKKEN’s unique fighting game identity, the game will provide both players and spectators with the series‘ most thrilling experience yet with visceral screen-jarring attacks and environments that are both dynamic and destructible.
Arcade Quest - In the new single-player mode ‘Arcade Quest’, players can create their own avatar and conquer their rivals in a variety of different arcades. This mode serves as an introduction to the gameplay of TEKKEN 8, allowing players to acquire basic knowledge, learn practical techniques, and enjoy a unique storyline and battles different from regular matches
Built for Personalisation - With a wide variety of customisations to playable characters, avatars, HUD elements, and music – players can tailor their experience to their own personal preferences. There is more freedom in customisation options than ever before for playable characters.
55,35 € SU AMAZON
BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment
Tekken 8 PS5
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Metal Gear Solid Master Collection Vol. 1 - PS5
33% Sconto
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Title Lineup: o Metal Gear o Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake o Metal Gear Solid (Including VR Missions/Special Missions) o Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (HD Collection version) o Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (HD Collection version) o Metal Gear (NES/FC version) o Snake's Revenge
Video: o Metal Gear Solid: Digital Graphic Novel o Metal Gear Solid 2: Digital Graphic Novel
Digital book: o Metal Gear Solid: Screenplay Book o Metal Gear Solid: Master Book o Metal Gear Solid 2: Screenplay Book o Metal Gear Solid 2: Master Book o Metal Gear Solid 3: Screenplay Book o Metal Gear Solid 3: Master Book o Metal Gear & Metal Gear 2: Screenplay Book o Metal Gear & Metal Gear 2: Master Book
Soundtrack: o Metal Gear Solid: Digital Soundtrack
39,90 € SU AMAZON
Warner bros. interactive entertainment inc.
Mortal Kombat 11 - Ultimate Edition (Includes Kombat Pack 1 & 2 + Aftermath Expansion) PS5 - Ultimate - PlayStation 5
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Vesti i panni dei protettori del Regno della Terra nelle DUE storie del gioco acclamate dalla critica e parti per una missione a spasso nel tempo per fermare Kronika e riscrivere la storia
Amicizie verranno messe alla prova e nasceranno nuove alleanze
MK11 Ultimate contiene tutti e 37 i personaggi, incluse le nuove aggiunte Rain, Mileena e Rambo
26,23 € SU AMAZON
Street Fighter 6 PS5
36% Sconto
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Domina il Fighting Ground: Street Fighter 6 offre un sistema di combattimento altamente evoluto, con due tipologie di comandi (moderni e classici), che ti permettono di giocare da subito secondo il tuo livello di abilità. L'indicatore Drive è un nuovo sistema di gestione dell'energia. Usalo con attenzione se vuoi ottenere la vittoria.
Esplora le strade nel World Tour: con World Tour, una coinvolgente modalità storia per giocatore singolo, aggirati con il tuo avatar per Metro City e scopri quali sono i tuoi punti di forza.
Cerca rivali nel Battle Hub: il Battle Hub è il posto migliore per trovare rivalità amichevoli.
49,00 € SU AMAZON
Spider-Man Miles Morales - PlayStation 5
41% Sconto
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Vivi l'ascesa di Miles Morales, un nuovo eroe che deve imparare a padroneggiare nuovi incredibili ed esplosivi poteri per diventare la sua personalissima versione di Spider-Man.
Nell'ultima avventura della serie Marvel's Spider-Man, l'adolescente Miles Morales cerca di ambientarsi in un nuovo quartiere mentre segue le orme del suo mentore, Peter Parker, come nuovo Spider-Man.
Ma quando una feroce lotta per il potere minaccia di distruggere la sua nuova casa, l'aspirante eroe capisce che da grandi poteri derivano grandi responsabilità. Per salvare la New York della Marvel, Miles deve raccogliere il testimone di Spider-Man e dimostrarsi all'altezza.
Accompagna Miles tra le strade innevate del suo quartiere mentre cerca di ambientarsi in una nuova e vibrante realtà. Quando il confine tra vita privata e lotta al crimine diventerà sempre più sottile, si troverà a scoprire l'importanza della fiducia e del senso di appartenenza.
35,90 € SU AMAZON
Warner Bros
Warner Bros Hogwarts Legacy - PS5
33% Sconto
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Vivi a Hogwarts nel 1800
Il tuo personaggio è uno studente, il cui talento potrebbe essere la chiave di un antico segreto che minaccia di distruggere il mondo magico
Scopri la sensazione di vivere a Hogwarts mentre forgi alleanze, combatti i Maghi Oscuri e infine determini il fato del mondo magico
L'eredità che lascerai è solo tua da plasmare; scrivi la tua storia
Solo con pre-order incluse Cavalcatura Ippogrifo d’Ossidiana e Felix Felicis
39,99 € SU AMAZON
tekken ps5
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