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Make Love And Aid

I 10 migliori prodotti di novembre 2024
Ultimo aggiornamento: 29 novembre 2024
Sunny Present
Sunny Present
Sunny Present Stress Less Cards - 50 Inspirational Mindfulness & Meditation Exercises | Helps Relieve Stress, Anxiety | Natural Relaxation, Insomnia & Sleep Aid
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  • <b>50 EASY EXERCISES FOR EVERYONE:</b> This unique Stress Less Cards deck contains 50 extremely effective exercises to help you relieve stress and deal with anxiety whenever you need it the most. Easy for everyone to use, these powerful techniques can be quickly memorized and used in any situation; on the bus, at work, at your desk, while queuing at the supermarket or before going to bed at night. These exercises are designed to stop that stress reaction and help you relax.
  • <b>POWERFUL MEDITATION & NLP TECHNIQUES:</b> Based on Neuro-Linguistic Programming techniques, as well as powerful Mindfulness meditation exercises that are known to help reduce anxiety and stop the mind’s automatic stress response, you can now tap into the wisdom of advanced Yogis and Meditation teachers without requiring any prior knowledge. Learn to focus on your breathing, observe your body and awaken positive emotions through effective visualizations and witness your life changing.
  • <b>RECOMMENDED BY HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS:</b> Already used and recommended by medical doctors in occupational health care, as well as psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists and trainers, these cards are a safe and reliable self help solution to efficient stress management and anxiety relief.
  • <b>YOUR FIRST AID KIT FOR INSOMNIA & WORK STRESS:</b> Suffering from insomnia can be seriously debilitating. Regular sleeping aid pills, loaded with dangerous chemicals might not be the best way to deal with its distressing symptoms. But, even if you simply need effective help to deal with a stressful environment at work, these cards offer a natural, self-empowering way by teaching you invaluable techniques and that you can keep with you for life.
  • <b>CARRY IT WITH YOU EVERYWHERE:</b> With its compact size, this convenient and lightweight Stress Less Cards Deck is specially designed to allow you to take it with you everywhere you go. Simply, stash it in your handbag or backpack and have it handy every time you need it.
  • 21,15 € SU AMAZON
Probelle Rinforzante per unghie colorato, trattamento rinforzante per unghie colorato, crescita e riparazione delle unghie, blocca la desquamazione, Petal Pink
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  • MIGLIORA: formula collaudata che migliora la struttura delle unghie colpite da scheggiature, desquamazione e screpolature. Usato come indicato, il rinforzante per unghie Probelle ripara le unghie danneggiate che sono deboli, sottili, morbide e fragili.
  • RAFFORZA: rafforza, fa crescere e ripristina la lamina ungueale per una transizione completa verso uno stato sano naturale. Formulato con proprietà rinforzanti che condizionano e rinnovano l'unghia, specialmente per unghie danneggiate a causa di manicure in gel e acrilico che disidratano terribilmente l'unghia.
  • ALTA LUCENTEZZA: formula trasparente che fornisce una finitura dall'aspetto lucido con un aspetto impeccabile. Questo trattamento migliorerà la flessibilità delle unghie per impedirne la rottura.
  • INGREDIENTI: Utilizza AHA, vitamina B5, vitamina C ed esanale per fornire idratazione immediata, nutrimento e rafforzamento naturale. Hexanal è un ingrediente potente che indurisce e migliora significativamente le condizioni dell'unghia
  • COME USARE: Questa formula può essere utilizzata come rinforzante per unghie autonomo o come top coat. Applicare 1 mano sotto la vernice come base o utilizzare quotidianamente sulle unghie naturali, costruendo il prodotto.
  • 14,99 € (99,93 € / 100 ml) SU AMAZON