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Dental Refresh

I 10 migliori prodotti di marzo 2025
Ultimo aggiornamento: 18 marzo 2025
Deluxe Dentals
Deluxe Dentals
Deluxe Dentals Refresh and Protect Olio per Denti 100% Naturale – Per Oil Pulling, come Collutorio Naturale Vegan, Dentifricio – Per Denti e Gengive (15ml)
Spedizione gratuita




  • OLIO VEGAN 100% NATURALE - Oli di mandorla, olio di chiodi di garofano, menta piperita e menta verde, formula antibatterica per la salute orale sopra e sotto la superficie gengivale. Ottimo come dentifricio, collutorio e contro l’alito cattivo, l'alitosi e malattie gengivali. Trattamento sbiancante alternativo
  • RIMINALIZZANTE PER DENTI - Se correttamente usato contro alitosi, come pomata, collutorio vegan antibatterico o dentifricio senza fluoro, l’olio lenitivo Refresh and Protect apporta a denti e gengive vitamine A, B, C, D, E e K necessarie per la salute della bocca
  • PER IL MAL DI DENTI – Dopo 30 giorni è risultato efficace contro: alitosi cronica, gengivite, malattie gengivali e parodontali, infezioni gengivali, gengive sanguinanti e retrocesse, denti deboli, opachi, sensibili e ascessi. Dona sollievo contro il mal di denti
  • COMBATTE L’ALITO CATTIVO – A base di oli naturali che combattono i batteri che causano l'alitosi. Poche gocce bastano per l’igiene orale e per una sensazione di freschezza
  • CONCENTRATO – I migliori oli essenziali, miscelati per la salute di denti e gengive. Se usato come indicato, l’olio per denti ti permette di avere gengive più rosee, più sane e denti più forti e più bianchi
  • 16,99 € (1.132,67 € / l) SU AMAZON
Botanique Whitening simply Mint |Prevents germs and improves Oral & Dental health |Strenghtens teeth| All Natural, Fluoride & SLS free | 100% Vegetarian and Vegan Friendly- 150g
Spedizione gratuita




  • NATURAL TEETH WHITENING TOOTHPASTE: Himalaya Botanique Whitening Toothpaste uses a powerful combination of Bromelain (Pineapple) and Papain (Papaya) enzymes to whiten teeth naturally. Neem and Pomegranate cleans teeth and give this formulation its ability to remove plaque and surface stains.
  • PLANT ENZYMES - Which gently remove surface stains on teeth, leaving your teeth whiter and shiny and with long-lasting, fresh breath. Traditional herbs in toothpaste have been used for centuries to care for the oral cavity, helping to maintain healthy teeth and gums.
  • COOLS AND REFRESHES YOUR BREATH - Refreshing sweet mint leaves fresh breath for hours and makes brushing your teeth a pleasure. Xylitol derived from nature prevents formation of plaque and the deposition of tartar.
  • ANTIOXIDANT: Pomegranate, which is an astringent fruit extract helps support healthy-looking gums by tightening the tissues. This natural toothpaste helps reduce and prevent bleeding gums, gum inflammations, and other dental problems.
  • NO ARTIFICIAL INGREDIENTS: NO Fluoride, NO Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS), NO Carrageenan. NO harsh abrasives. You’ll love its perfect amount of sweet mint – alive and fresh but never overpowering.
  • 9,53 € (63,53 € / kg) SU AMAZON
Botanique Whitening simply Mint |Prevents germs and improves Oral & Dental health |Strenghtens teeth| All Natural, Fluoride & SLS free | 100% Vegetarian and Vegan Friendly-150g (pack of 2)
37% Sconto Spedizione gratuita




  • NATURAL TEETH WHITENING TOOTHPASTE: Himalaya Botanique Whitening Toothpaste uses a powerful combination of Bromelain (Pineapple) and Papain (Papaya) enzymes to whiten teeth naturally. Neem and Pomegranate cleans teeth and give this formulation its ability to remove plaque and surface stains.
  • PLANT ENZYMES - Which gently remove surface stains on teeth, leaving your teeth whiter and shiny and with long-lasting, fresh breath. Traditional herbs in toothpaste have been used for centuries to care for the oral cavity, helping to maintain healthy teeth and gums.
  • COOLS AND REFRESHES YOUR BREATH - Refreshing sweet mint leaves fresh breath for hours and makes brushing your teeth a pleasure. Xylitol derived from nature prevents formation of plaque and the deposition of tartar.
  • ANTIOXIDANT: Pomegranate, which is an astringent fruit extract helps support healthy-looking gums by tightening the tissues. This natural toothpaste helps reduce and prevent bleeding gums, gum inflammations, and other dental problems.
  • NO ARTIFICIAL INGREDIENTS: NO Fluoride, NO Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS), NO Carrageenan. NO harsh abrasives. You’ll love its perfect amount of sweet mint – alive and fresh but never overpowering.
  • 13,80 € (46,00 € / kg) SU AMAZON
Botanique Whitening simply Peppermint |Prevents germs and improves Oral & Dental health |Strenghtens teeth| All Natural, Fluoride & SLS free | 100% Vegetarian and Vegan Friendly- 150g
36% Sconto Spedizione gratuita




  • NATURAL TEETH WHITENING TOOTHPASTE: Himalaya Botanique Whitening Toothpaste uses a powerful combination of Bromelain (Pineapple) and Papain (Papaya) enzymes to whiten teeth naturally. Neem and Pomegranate cleans teeth and give this formulation its ability to remove plaque and surface stains.
  • PLANT ENZYMES - Which gently remove surface stains on teeth, leaving your teeth whiter and shiny and with long-lasting, fresh breath. Finally, a whitening toothpaste with no bleach, no harsh abrasives or harsh foaming agents, yet it still tastes and foams wonderfully!
  • COOLS AND REFRESHES YOUR BREATH - Peppermint essential oil awakens your mouth and leaves you with irresistibly fresh breath, while gentle ingredients help whiten teeth and support healthy-looking gums. Xylitol derived from nature prevents formation of plaque and the deposition of tartar.
  • ANTIOXIDANT: Pomegranate, which is an astringent fruit extract helps support healthy-looking gums by tightening the tissues. This natural toothpaste helps reduce and prevent bleeding gums, gum inflammations, and other dental problems.
  • NO ARTIFICIAL INGREDIENTS: NO Fluoride, NO Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS), NO Carrageenan. NO harsh abrasives. You’ll love its perfect amount of sweet mint – alive and fresh but never overpowering.
  • 9,66 € (64,40 € / kg) SU AMAZON
Botanique Whitening simply Peppermint |Prevents germs and improves Oral & Dental health |Strenghtens teeth| All Natural, Fluoride & SLS free | 100% Vegetarian and Vegan Friendly- 150g
36% Sconto




  • Le informazioni seguenti si applicano a ciascuna unità della confezione
  • NATURAL TEETH WHITENING TOOTHPASTE: Himalaya Botanique Whitening Toothpaste uses a powerful combination of Bromelain (Pineapple) and Papain (Papaya) enzymes to whiten teeth naturally. Neem and Pomegranate cleans teeth and give this formulation its ability to remove plaque and surface stains.
  • PLANT ENZYMES - Which gently remove surface stains on teeth, leaving your teeth whiter and shiny and with long-lasting, fresh breath. Finally, a whitening toothpaste with no bleach, no harsh abrasives or harsh foaming agents, yet it still tastes and foams wonderfully!
  • COOLS AND REFRESHES YOUR BREATH - Peppermint essential oil awakens your mouth and leaves you with irresistibly fresh breath, while gentle ingredients help whiten teeth and support healthy-looking gums. Xylitol derived from nature prevents formation of plaque and the deposition of tartar.
  • ANTIOXIDANT: Pomegranate, which is an astringent fruit extract helps support healthy-looking gums by tightening the tissues. This natural toothpaste helps reduce and prevent bleeding gums, gum inflammations, and other dental problems.
  • NO ARTIFICIAL INGREDIENTS: NO Fluoride, NO Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS), NO Carrageenan. NO harsh abrasives. You’ll love its perfect amount of sweet mint – alive and fresh but never overpowering.
  • 38,64 € (64,40 € / kg) SU AMAZON