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Crystal Singing

I 10 migliori prodotti di ottobre 2024
Ultimo aggiornamento: 3 ottobre 2024
432 Hz A 3rd Eye Chakra Colore Indaco Cristallo Di Quarzo Smerigliato Ciotola 20 cm+Custodia
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  • ENERGYSOUND CRYSTAL SINGING BOWL: Our crystal singing bowls are made of high-quality crystal with a purity higher than 99.99%. They are beautiful to look at and listen to. Each singing bowl looks bright and not very very white; The sound is clear and lasting long time. Each product is carefully selected to ensure accurate note and clear sound. We are directly operated by the factory, buyers can get the high-quality and good price crystal singing bowls.
  • ENERGYSOUND PRODUCTS: We offers frosted and clear of quartz crystal singing bowls, chakra tuned set of crystal singing bowls , crystal singing pyramids. We can make all kinds of crystal singing bowls according to the color, size tone and HZ specified by customers please leave message to us.
  • HOW TO PLAY CRYSTAL SINGING BOWL: Clear your mind to increase positive intentions;Place the rubber ring provided with your bowl on a flat sturdy surface and set your bowl upon it. Some smaller bowls are best used in your hand since they can be too light to sing on a flat surface.lightly tap the outside rim of the bowl and begin to guide the striker around the corner of the outside edge of the rim.
  • ENERGYSOUND SINGING BOWL APPLICATION:Quartz crystal singing bowls are associated with the musical scale,They are widely recommended by all kinds of people, yoga,meditation,especially health practitioners.The vibrations created by a singing bowl benefit the body by reducing stress,combating depression, and balancing the chakras.It is ideal for realigning energy in the body for healing ,but also for using with Feng Shui in your living space,musical performance ,meditation ,and for spirtual workshops.
  • GUARANTEE and RETURN: Any damage or missing to the bowl in transit is guaranteed by us! You will truly fall in love with this incredible healing tool. Gorgeous in your home, glowing with light, this beautiful instrument is an asset to any environment!
  • 119,00 € SU AMAZON
ENERGYSOUND 432 Hz G Gola Chakra Cristallo Di Quarzo Satinato Ciotola 20 cm




  • ENERGYSOUNaD CRYSTAL CANTING BOWL: Le nostre ciotole di cristallo sono fatte di cristallo di alta qualità con una purezza superiore al 99,99%. Sono belli da guardare e ascoltare. Ogni ciotola di canto sembra luminosa e non molto bianca; Il suono è chiaro e duraturo a lungo. Ogni prodotto è accuratamente selezionato per garantire una nota accurata e un suono chiaro. Siamo direttamente gestiti dalla fabbrica, gli acquirenti possono ottenere le ciotole di cristallo di alta qualità e buon prezzo.
  • PRODOTTI ENERGETICI: Offriamo ciotole di cristallo di quarzo smerigliate e chiare, chakra sintonizzato set di ciotole di canto di cristallo, piramidi di canto di cristallo. Possiamo fare tutti i tipi di ciotole di canto di cristallo secondo il colore, il tono di dimensione e HZ specificati dai clienti si prega di lasciare il messaggio a noi.
  • COME GIOCARE CRYSTAL CANTING BOWL: Libera la mente per aumentare le intenzioni positive; Posizionare l'anello di gomma fornito con la ciotola su una superficie piana e robusta e impostare la ciotola su di esso. Alcune ciotole più piccole sono meglio utilizzate nella vostra mano poiché possono essere troppo leggere per cantare su una superficie piana.
  • APPLICAZIONE DEL CANTO ENERGISOUND: Le ciotole di canto in cristallo di quarzo sono associate alla scala musicale, sono ampiamente raccomandate da tutti i tipi di persone, yoga, meditazione, in particolare i professionisti della salute. Le vibrazioni create da una ciotola di canto giovano al corpo riducendo lo stress, combattendo la depressione e bilanciando i chakra. È ideale per riallineare l'energia nel corpo per la guarigione, ma anche per l'utilizzo con il Feng Shui nel vostro spazio di vita, performance musicali, meditazione, e per laboratori spirituali.
  • GARANZIA e RITORNO: Eventuali danni o mancanze alla ciotola in transito sono garantiti da noi! Ti innamorerai davvero di questo incredibile strumento di guarigione. Splendido nella vostra casa, luminoso di luce, questo bellissimo strumento è una risorsa per qualsiasi ambiente!
  • 119,00 € SU AMAZON
KVKA 432 Hz 8 inch A Note Third Eye Chakra Frosted Quartz Crystal Singing Bowl 20 cm with Carrying Case (chakra terzo occhio)
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  • KVKA Ciotola per cantare di cristallo: 8 pollici di nota a terzo occhio. Questa ciotola in cristallo include un striker in pelle scamosciata, un anello e una custodia viola.
  • Le nostre ciotole per cantare in cristallo sono realizzate al 99,99% di quarzo puro, rendendole incredibilmente risonanti. Ogni ciotola ha un suono potente e risonante. Il suono e le vibrazioni promuovono uno stato rilassato perfetto per meditazione profonda e mentalità.
  • Applicazioni: meditazione profonda, terapia del suono, yoga, riduzione dello stress e anxiety, decorazione della stanza, prayer, miglioramento della qualità del sonno, bilanciamento del corpo chakra, più mentalità, felicità e benessere delle gambe e così via
  • Una nota: il 6° chakra, il chakra dell'occhio terzo, le ciotole sono utilizzate per il 6° o terzo chakra degli occhi ed è il chakra di tutti i seeing localizzati tra e leggermente sopra gli occhi. Corrisponds to Intuition, Vision, Artistic and Creative Thoughts. Le aree correlate del corpo e gli organi sono gli occhi, il sistema nervoso, il cervello e la forehead. Usa una ciotola per sviluppare una sensazione di benessere e una maggiore visibilità.
  • Any damage or missing in transito is guaranteed 30 days.Please contact us asap if you have any questions, we will solve it for you in the first time!
  • 92,93 € SU AMAZON
ENERGYSOUND 432 Hz Perfect Pitch D Chakra sacro Chakra di cristallo di quarzo glassato 25 cm - Yoga Therapy Sound Healing
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  • ENERGYSOUND CRYSTAL SINGING BOWL: Our crystal singing bowls are made of high-quality crystal with a purity higher than 99.99%. They are beautiful to look at and listen to. Each singing bowl looks bright and not very very white; The sound is clear and lasting long time. Each product is carefully selected to ensure accurate note and clear sound. We are directly operated by the factory, buyers can get the high-quality and good price crystal singing bowls.
  • ENERGYSOUND PRODUCTS: We offers frosted and clear of quartz crystal singing bowls, chakra tuned set of crystal singing bowls , crystal singing pyramids. We can make all kinds of crystal singing bowls according to the color, size tone and HZ specified by customers please leave message to us.
  • HOW TO PLAY CRYSTAL SINGING BOWL: Clear your mind to increase positive intentions;Place the rubber ring provided with your bowl on a flat sturdy surface and set your bowl upon it. Some smaller bowls are best used in your hand since they can be too light to sing on a flat surface.lightly tap the outside rim of the bowl and begin to guide the striker around the corner of the outside edge of the rim. Key Product Features
  • ENERGYSOUND SINGING BOWL APPLICATION:Quartz crystal singing bowls are associated with the musical scale,They are widely recommended by all kinds of people, yoga,meditation,especially health practitioners.The vibrations created by a singing bowl benefit the body by reducing stress,combating depression, and balancing the chakras.It is ideal for realigning energy in the body for healing ,but also for using with Feng Shui in your living space,musical performance ,meditation ,and for spirtual workshops.
  • GUARANTEE and RETURN: Any damage or missing to the bowl in transit is guaranteed by us! You will truly fall in love with this incredible healing tool. Gorgeous in your home, glowing with light, this beautiful instrument is an asset to any environment!
  • 99,00 € SU AMAZON
ENERGYSOUND - Campana da canto in cristallo trasparente al quarzo, 15,2 cm
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  • ENERGYSOUND CRYSTAL SINGING BOWL: Our crystal singing bowls are made of high-quality crystal with a purity higher than 99.99%. They are beautiful to look at and listen to. Each singing bowl looks bright and not very very white; The sound is clear and lasting long time. Each product is carefully selected to ensure accurate note and clear sound. We are directly operated by the factory, buyers can get the high-quality and good price crystal singing bowls.
  • ENERGYSOUND PRODUCTS: We offers frosted and clear of quartz crystal singing bowls, chakra tuned set of crystal singing bowls , crystal singing pyramids. We can make all kinds of crystal singing bowls according to the color, size tone and HZ specified by customers please leave message to us.
  • HOW TO PLAY CRYSTAL SINGING BOWL: Clear your mind to increase positive intentions;Place the rubber ring provided with your bowl on a flat sturdy surface and set your bowl upon it. Some smaller bowls are best used in your hand since they can be too light to sing on a flat surface.lightly tap the outside rim of the bowl and begin to guide the striker around the corner of the outside edge of the rim.
  • ENERGYSOUND SINGING BOWL APPLICATION:Quartz crystal singing bowls are associated with the musical scale,They are widely recommended by all kinds of people, yoga,meditation,especially health practitioners.The vibrations created by a singing bowl benefit the body by reducing stress,combating depression, and balancing the chakras.It is ideal for realigning energy in the body for healing ,but also for using with Feng Shui in your living space,musical performance ,meditation ,and for spirtual workshops.
  • GUARANTEE and RETURN: Any damage or missing to the bowl in transit is guaranteed by us! You will truly fall in love with this incredible healing tool. Gorgeous in your home, glowing with light, this beautiful instrument is an asset to any environment!
  • 59,00 € SU AMAZON